Friday, January 3, 2014

Beauty items you NEED to be washing!

So, I know some people wash their make-up brushes religiously, and some have never even thought to wash their brushes!
BUT! There are some other beauty items you really should be washing besides your brushes!

First off, obviously you need to wash your make-up brushes. I prefer to wash mine with the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Oil bar soap. This soap is super cheap (around $2 for 2 bars of soap!). I like washing my make-up brushes with bar soap the best because it really lathers up and deep cleans my brushes all the way down to the base of the brush. The tea tree oil really kills any bacteria thats lingering on your brushes! I know some people like to use Baby Shampoo to was their brushes, but honestly my hands get extra pruned when using baby shampoo! If you don't want to use baby shampoo, Dove soap works just as well :)

Next, you should really wash your hairbrush. Your hairbrush sees your hair at a million different states. Wet, dry, clean, dirty, oily, gross, etc. Your brush builds up a lot of product and oils that can make your hair dirty when it's clean, or more dirty when it's dirty! I usually take some gently, foamy hand soap and let it lather and just simply rinse it off.

After your brushes, you should wash your hair tools. Curling irons, curling wands, flat irons, etc. Those build up oils and product residue also that can make your hair gross! You can simply clean these items by using some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad or cotton ball and clean your irons!

Also, you should clean your lipsticks! This sounds silly but if you let other people use your lipstick. or if you are sick, or just simply have new germs, you should clean your lipstick! Just like cleaning your heat styling tools, you just get a little rubbing alcohol onto a cotton pad or cotton ball and wipe off the first layer!

I clean all of my brushes, heat styling tools, lipsticks, all at different times. I will usually deep clean my brushes about every two-three weeks. I clean my hairbrushes, and heat styling tools weekly, and my lipsticks that I constantly use about every week also.

Have fun cleaning!

xoxo Audrey

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